How to Do a Backflip in 8 Steps

Step 1:

Steps 1-3

Stretch your muscles before you jump to prevent injuries. After a quick 25-minute cardio warmup, stretch your arms, legs, chest, and back. You can do any stretches, as long as they target the right muscle groups. Here are some tips:

  1. Do a forward bend to stretch all of your muscles. Stand up straight with your feet together, then bend slowly down toward the floor. Reach out to touch the floor with your fingers.
  2. To stretch your arms, bring one arm up over your head, reaching toward the sky. Bend your arm at your elbow so it’s parallel to the back of your head. Then, use your other hand to pull your elbow gently toward your head. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Always warm up your muscles for 2-5 minutes before doing stretches. Otherwise, you may accidentally injure yourself.

Step 2:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms stretched overhead. Keep your back straight and neck straight, with your gaze directed forward. Check that you feel stable and balanced up through your core before you enter your takeoff.

Step 3:

Bend at your knees into a high squat. Sit back as you bend at your knees, keeping your back straight. Your chest should be in line with your knees but pointed up, and your arms should be raised above your head.

Step 4:

Steps 4-7

Swing your arms behind you, stopping when they're just behind your back. Extend your arms in a straight line, but don't lock your elbows. Your palms will be facing slightly toward the sky and turned slightly inward toward your body.

Step 5:

Bring your arms forward and over your head as you leap upwards. Make a backward arc with your arms to help propel yourself backwards as you jump high into the air. As your arms swing up, push through your thighs to leap backwards.

Step 6:

Pull your knees toward your chest at the peak of your jump. Your chest should be about parallel with the sky (or ceiling) when you pull in your knees. This will begin your tuck.

Step 7:

Stretch out your legs about 3/4 of the way through your rotation. Release your tuck and extend your legs outward. Then, let them carry you down toward your landing as you return to the floor.

Step 8:

Step 8

Land with your hips under your chest and your knees aligned with your ankles.Your body will be nearly in a straight line as your feet hit the floor, aside from the slight bend in your knees. This is proper form, which will help you avoid injury.

This tutorial content was sourced from wikiHow. Audio is from a YouTube video.